Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gays Are Ruining The Sanctity of Marriage

This misconception that the world has fallen under seems to be growing more and more irration as time passes.The thought that homosexual couples are ruining the sanctity of marriage is absolutely absurd. It isn't the gays that are destroying the sanctity of marriage, its the Brittany Spears, the Anna Nicole Smiths, the FlavorFlaves and the millions of other people that marry just for the sake of getting married. For the sake of publicity, popularity, and money. THAT is what is destroying the sanctity of marriage. The people that marry someone just to be married, then find later that they were never really in love. The people that cheat on their spouses then get married to whoever they've been sleeping with.We use the excuse of marriage being a religious event. The word marriage is a religious thing. First off, marriage is brought about by a judge, by the state. In our Constitution, it clearly says that there will be seperation of church and state. Marriage is not just religious. Athiests get marries, scientologists get married. People of no declaired faith get married. Marriage is no longer religious.Secondly, if marriage is religious, no one should be able to get married at this point. Murderers, liars, theives, cheaters and adulterers should not be allowed to marry.Living on a country of "equal opportunity" ,living in "the land of the free" should mean that we truly do all have an equal opportunity, we all are free to do our will, as long as it hurts no one. Everyone should be free to have life, libery and the persuit of happiness. No exceptions.As humans, we fear what is different. We fear things that we do not understand. We have been this way for a long, long time.People find that a same-sex couple is "different" A same sex couple is the exact same as a heterosexual couple.They have both have a love for each other, they both fight, they both argue, they both make up. Sometimes they don't. They both want to be happy, they both want to be with the ones that they love more than anyone or anything in the word.They are the same. Often homosexual relationships are miscontsrued into seeming as if they're based purely on physical. This is just as true as saying that a straight couple is based purely on physical. It does happen. But it really isn't always the case. It is frustrating to know that there are people that think homosexuals are ruining the sanctity of marriages, when in reality, everyone is. Eveyr stereotype, every social group, every kind of person is ruining the sanctity of marriage, there is no specific person or group that can be targeted. It has nothing to do with the gender of the person, but the reason behind the marriage.

1 comment:

Britney$pencer said...

Wow, I saw the title of this article and thought that you would opposed to the "alternative life style" (as people have refered to it.) But thankfuly the title was decieving =)
You are exactly right about how gender is NOT the issue, because it's deffinitly not. Love is love, no matter what color, race, religion, or sex of the two people wishing to get married. I am bisexual, and I find it very twisted that people think that two homosexuals getting married is wrong and should not be done. Sure, they may not like or agree with it, and some may even find it revolting, but frankly it's not their buisness anyways as too who's marrying who and what race/color/religion/sex they are.
Sorry that's so long, all I was trying to say was that I agree =]