Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bacon. Brownies.

Most exciting things!

I made bacon brownies and Moutain Dew cupcakes!

The brownies turned out surprisingly well. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect so I just made a test batch of 4. I must say, they were quite good!
Bacon brownies with chocolate maple frosting. Its a wonderful thing.

The Mt. Dew cupcakes turned out alright too. They were kind of ugly, so I do have to work on the colors a little bit. But other than that, they were wonderful!

Just in case.

If you are interested in purchasing them, you can find them at

Now I just need to continue my quest for old action figures!

Fun fact of the day:

The letter "e" is the most commonly used letter in the English language. The novel Gadsby, by Ernest Vincent Wright does not contain the letter "e" throughout the entire book.

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