Monday, January 19, 2009

Magically Delicious

Sometime last week I had a bowl of Lucky Charms with milk. Which is awesome, because milk is pretty hard to come by in a dorm. I finished my Lucky Charms and set the bowl on my infrequently visited desk. Now, my desk is so infrequently visited that I ended up forgetting about this bowl of milk that had turned and interesting greenish blue color from the cereal. honestly, I can't figure out what the color its. Its like..a like minty/seafood green, but its also kind of blue...but..its also kind of yellow..and..also kind of I really can't tell. Anyhow, I had forgotten about this mystical cereal milk that reflected the entire spectrum, and I eventually found it later. Well...two days ago. A few days before I had added more milk from other cereal so I could wash it all at once, but I of course forget. Now, I find it yesterday and to my surprise there was no mold growing on it, but the sugars from the cereal had caused it to now have the texture of brie cheese. Or really thick pudding with a skin over it. I used a plastic spoon to scrape it out and to clean the bowl in the bathroom. I assumed that the "milk" would have smelled really awful, but strangely enough it gave off the aroma of provolone cheese. Anyway. It was pretty gross but also fascinating. My bowl is clean, but I'm still afraid to eat out of it. Perhaps I will use a plastic cup today.

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