Thursday, January 8, 2009

We Only Come Out At Night

If you haven't noticed yet, I have a slight problem with the media and the way it portrays things. The media has a habit of either warping things to seem really bad, or making really bad things seem like they're okay. Either that or they publicize something to the point of where it is dangerous. [See "Wasn't That A Stardust Fantasy", "Teen Commits Suicide Live On Webcam" or "Though I Did Love Who Wants To Be A Superhero" ]
More and more recently the media has been publicizing certain kinds of people that have been glamorized into being seen as "cool". My first example is pirates.

Since Disney's Pirates Of The Caribbean, pirates have been views as cool, funny and even sexy. People want to be pirates, people want to dress like pirates, people think that pirates are these wonderful, glamorous things. In reality, pirates are just thieves, murderers, rapists and generally criminals. They were outlaws that killed people and stole their things, raped women, burned down buildings and many other acts of violence. If someone were doing that today, they would not be viewed as a hero, they would not be viewed as funny, and they would not be viewed as glamorous. Granted we really don't see people sailing around and acting like pirates anymore, but the fact that they are viewed as something cool is really just damaging.

The next, and probably more extreme example, is vampires.
Vampires, as according to myth, are the spirits of people that either: 1. Committed suicide; 2. Were murdered and want revenge. Granted that there are several other myths, I'm going to generally stick to the "evil spirits wanting revenge" one for now. There are so far no real "positive" reasons why vampires would exist. Aside from that, vampires are scary things. They're meant to be scary. They go and kill people, drain them of their life and energy, and are generally very dark. Vampires have been given the image of sexy and seductive, which is more or less true based on the 'forbidden' factor, also their hypnotism, but the fact that they are now seen as "good" things, is really a horrible misconception. Vampires are not teen heartthrobs, nor are they happy and friendly creatures that want to be "bffz" with everyone.
To make matters worse, we have vampire people coming out in the open. Not only are they coming out in the open, they're killing other people. The publicity of vampires and vampirism is making it seem like being a 'vampire' is cool. I'm not going to get into full detail about the subject, but the idea of it is frightening. People are coming out and acting like vampires, and killing other people.

I really must pin a lot of this on the media of today. Between the news and entertainment, we're fueling people's minds with violent ideas and letting them think its okay. So, if you just so happen to be reading this, I challenge you to go look at the news and find something positive that has happened recently. And I don't mean "Man Saves Dog With Broken Leg" or "Kid Sells 5000 Boxes Of Cookies". Just try it.


Anonymous said...

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I have a humble blog here in San Diego and would love it if you came by and visited and commented.

I think you may enjoy the various labels that I have for my High Art blog. I install music videos that I like and keep my writing as real as I can.

I hope to see you soon here.... :)

Britney$pencer said...

OMFG. I've been ranting about this for the past month probably!!! I despise how media and big movie companys take things and twist them around so badly that the thing they orinally had are totally the opposite of what they really are/were. Seriously, if those big shits are only out to make money, why dont they atleast invest a little truth into what their producing... People used to be terrified of vampires and pirates, now because of movies like The Pirates of The Carribean and Twilight, people are getting the characters twisted into something their not... Their like, " wow, vampires are so rad, i want to be one because there awesome! " And in reality, their not "cool" their not "hip", their not "trendy", their things that don't give a fuck about anyone besides themselves because most likley they just want revenge for something or another. And it's not just thinkgs like that. Rap videos and their song lyrics are turning a big majority of Americas youth into hoolagins! I understand free speech and all that mess... But some people just go a little to far and arn't smart enought to see how thier "free speech" is affecting other people.

Anonymous said...

that's like blaming your pencil for a mistake that you made when writing.
like blaming the gun for pulling the trigger on somebody.

who cares? if people think vampires are cool, why not let them? it's their lives. as long as what they do has no potential to harm anybody, nobody else should be allowed to dictate how other people see things. newsflash! vampires aren't real anyways. if crazy people want to spend their lives trying to be like a stupid mythical creature, might as well let them.

Skellyton said...

Actually, no.
People are claiming to be vampires and are indeed killing other people. In the southern United States there have been vampiric cults that have slaughtered people and fed off of them. This time last year two women in an Australian vampire cult killed a 16 year old girl. SO what they are doing is going to harm other people. I know people that want so desperately to be vampires that they look for people to 'sire' them, which involves draining all of the blood entirely. Anyone that knows anything about the human body know that this will kill someone. The fact that the media is portraying these kinds of things as good is really a mistake. And if you did a little bit of research, you would learn that there are vampires. Not like the ones that turn into bats and are allergic to garlic, but people that need some kind of additional nourishment, whether it be physical or psychic. So NEWSFLASH! Vampires are real, just not the kind that you are used to hearing about. I suggest you become a little bit more educated on what you're talking about before you try to argue a point.