Monday, May 11, 2009


What a weekend.
I feel like my Monday posts are usually started that way.
This is a good thing. Good weekends = good things.
We learned (again) that my navigational skills are that of a bat with no sonar.
After about an hour or so of delay, we made it home at almost 2 oclock to a slightly confused, but pleasantly surprised mother.
Van go to discover the wonders of Wegmans and how awesome Wawa is and the glory that is Yumyum's donuts.
Hell yes.
My grandparents and my neighbors came over for desserts and got to meet Van too.
That all turned out very well.
This makes me happy.
Good weekend.

Now I am curled up in the fetal position crying because my cramps are so bad I can't walk. Awesome.

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