Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It Has Returned

engrish.com one of the funniest websites of all time.

I just spent a few hours sitting here and coding all of this stuff for the new layout. It really isnt all that different, when it comes to the actual style, but all the colors and what not have changed. I haven;t dug into HTML and CSS in quite a while. (This is CSS, in case anyone was wondering.) I definitely get into this mode where nothing else really exists and there is nothing but numbers and letters and symbols. I can honestly sit here and stare at a screen for hours, just tweaking things around. It is a horrid addiction. I probably should have gone to school to be a web designer or something. I'm not horrible at it, really, and I certainly miss all the coding and what not. It is good stuff.
This is my 105th post.
I really did not think I would be using this site so much, but I am glad that I do. It gives me a way to vent or just say little things that may or may not matter to anyone else. Anyone could stumble upon this at any time and they may really enjoy reading these odd little quips that show up here and there.
I do apologize for the lack of interesting things. It really seemed to have gone better in the beginning, and now it just seems to be a day to day of my life, which no one is all that interested in hearing about. Such silly little things. A good one shows up every now any then.


Found a fun website


Have fun with that one.

And take note of the new little clickies at the bottom of this blog.
I believe they say "cool" "funny" and "interesting"
feel free to clicky.

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