Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm On A Boat

I find nothing lucky about Lucky bamboo. Ive never seen it bring luck, never considered someone to be especially lucky for owning some, nor seen it dispense any form of cereal. Last I checked, it actually dies pretty easily.
Are you lucky if you can manage to keep it alive? Who knows. Not so lucky bamboo.

The lucky bamboo
dehydrated in the sun
is not so lucky

I just wasted an hour of my time filling out stupid things on facebook because I feel sick and can hardly move. I hate that I have to miss class again. At least Ill have more time to get my project out of the way.
One of the catagories of 'top five favorite whatevers' was top five favorite books.
After thinking for a moment or two, I decided on
Speak, Lord Of The Flies, The Giving Tree, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and Hard Love. All are very good books. Speak is my all time favorite though.
My mom got that book when I was in...5th or 6th grade, I think. And I don't think I read it until I was in 6th or 7th. My poor copy of it is falling apart, it has been read countless times and shared with everyone. The main character is so relatable, really. Anyone who ever felt so alone they didnt know what to do or anyone who held a secret to themselves for so long it hurt. Its one book that just stuck with me for my whole life. perhaps I will read it again. A few years ago they made a Lifetime movie of it. Definitely wasn't as good as the book.
I just got the author's newset book for Easter. Its called Wintergirls. Can't wait to read it.
4 days left until April 25th.

Wow, 1:30 already.

So many people on here have really interesting blogs with all kinds of good things to say. There are also a lot that are in Spanish, so they're hard to read. But other than that, so many people have really really good blogs. It is fortunate that they can find really cool things to write about.
Attack With Decay always has really good stuff, but doesn't seem to have a subscribe button, which is a bummer.
How do they not run out of inspiring things? Maybe they go outside more.
Maybe I'll go outside.
Wait. No.
Bad idea.

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