Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You Can Call Me The Nanerpus

Career fair today. As usual I would have rather visited the zoo while the pandas were on the loose. (And to any of you that think it would be okay for pandas to be on the loose, just go talk to the man in China that got mauled by one.) But I digress. Career fair is always full of hundreds of people and companies that pounce on you like a starving leopard at a slow wounded animal. Not only do they pounce, but they shove handfuls of their paraphernalia at you so you remember them. Now really, I would like to know what some of this stuff is. They've given me a few strange contraptions. (See photo) I asked one man if he had any openings for baking and pastry students and he says "No! But we have caribeaners!" then shoves a caribeaner at me. I guess he knows I have been mountain climbing in my spare time?
But see, I get really paranoid around people like that. I seem to have a problem with people approaching me and trying to sell me things in public, I get a little bit scared. So I really don't like things like career fairs. I think it may be because I was chased by a clown when i was a kid and they were trying to give me free hamburger tickets. Who knows. Anyway. Here is some shit about me,

1. I live in Hyde Park New York and I feel more at home here than I ever did in Philly. I love this place and the people I have met.

2. I have really irrational fears such as lint, poop, lugies, and sea otters. Please don't ask, and please don't joke around about the first 3, I will vomit on you.

3. I am a gypsy. I tell fortunes, I can read tarot cards like they're the dollar menu, Ill pick up anything i find on the floor and if you leave your food out, Ill jack it. I will not shrink you.

4. I honestly have people looking for me trying to kill me. I keep low profile in public now or dress opposite of how I am expected to. This isn't a paranoia, it is a fact. I'm not going to get into why, but there are people all over the world looking for me, they just don't know where to find me yet.

5. I believe in quantum physics, chi, and magick. It has all proven to be true so far, for me at least. Yeah, I know its a little bit sketchy sounding, but to each his own, yeah?

6. Recently I learned that my eyes turn yellow. It's really very scary, to be honest. My pupils also pulse. We figured that it's because I really don't eat enough. or something

7. I want to be a SuicideGirl. SO BADLY. I actually got accepted to be one. Doesn't look like its actually going to happen though, as much as I would really, really like it to.

8. Many people think I am a fairy. I don't deny it. Must be all the glitter, dancing, bright colors, and sugar.

9. I have never been to White Castle and I don't really understand why it's such a huge deal?

10. I am very proud of myself for knowing all the words to Bring The Pain by Method Man. Makes me feel like I've got a little bit of cred.

11. I'm really really sad that Michelle is leaving so soon and I really don't know what I'm going to do with myself or who I'm going to go to, screaming like a lunatic because: the Misfits are going to be in town, I broke my arm, I found SunnyD on sale, I just beat a new level of Zombies Ate My Neighbors, etc.

12. I love video games. I could play Zombies Ate My Neighbors all day, and sometimes I do. I will always be more a fan of Sega Genesis and TurboGrafix 16. Don't get my wrong, I dig Soul Caliber 4, but still...Zombies At My Neighbors will always be my favorite.

13. This is my favorite number. It is my birthday, it is the death card. It is fear and it is change.

14. If we ever go shopping together, don't expect me to buy anything normal. Last trip included SunnyD, 2 cans of shaving cream, a huge bag of straws, and watercolor paints.

15. I can eat a lot of food and I have really unusual cravings. So, someday I'm going to get pregnant and smoke a ton of pot then enter a WingBowl and win. Not really, but it is an idea.

16. if we have hung out enough I probably know things about you that you don't even know. I also can identify the way you smell and how you walk. I've also memorized your facial expressions and can probably imitate you flawlessly. I can't imitate the sound of your voice, but I can imitate your ton and delivery.

17. If it involves zombies or vampires, I probably love it. Old school horror is pretty much my favorite thing ever.

18. A lot of people seem to be afraid of me. They have good reason, but not really. I may look like I;m kind of scary, but I'm really not. People tend to turn and look when I enter a room. I can understand why, its just strange.

19. I am teaching myself to play guitar, I'm not very good, but I can play most of my favorite songs, so I'm okay with that. My goal is to learn how to play Turn Soonest To The Sea.

20. This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. My laundry is almost done. I hadn't done laundry since before Christmas break. Grody to the max. But I still can't believe its only 5:20. I really thought it was like... 8 PM or something.

21. I have had this looming feeling that I will be dying sometime this year. After I get back from extern. The fact that 2 other people have confirmed that they have had the same feeling about me makes me a little bit nervous. I am currently just focusing on now and I also know that I can survive anything between now and then. I also found my church where the funeral will be. Call me morbid, but at least I'm giving out mix CDs as party favors when I die.

22. When I check my laundry, I just look for the dryer with the brightest colors swirling in it. That's how I know it's mine. Well, either that or the most black. I almost stole a girl's laundry today by accident because it was brightly colored. Oops.

23. I haven't eaten a meal in over a week. Just little tidbits of whatever I find. Perhaps I will find something tasty tonight.

24. I wish I was better at glowstringing. I'm not very good with my left hand so I keep hitting myself in the face.

25. I really love ska music sometimes, its like....the band geeks and the drama kids got together in a garage and said "lets make a band!" And its awesome.

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